I wasn’t sure if I wanted the task of having to keep this section of my blog current, and then realized I don’t want to but need to. I need to remind myself why I started this business and how important it is to teach others as I learn.
An associate learned about my empowerment program through casual conversation and was immediately interested in supporting us financially. I gave her the website name and went about my daily business. The next time we saw one another, she said, “I visited your website but it was so hard locating the donation button.” She then said how she loved telling her friends what programs to support and wanted to share mine.
I lost her momentum and now have to find out how to let her know that I’m ready to receive your donation now. I hope she didn’t lose interest.
As the web designer for my program…because we all wear many hats, I knew where to find the button but didn’t realize how hard it was for others. So what did I do and what should you do so this won’t happen again?
Here are 5 things I did after this conversation:
- I make sure there was a “Donate” button on the menu bar at the top.
- I kept a donate link on the homepage at the bottom of the homepage as well in case visitors stopped to read our mission statement, how to join, and how to volunteer. You have to grab ’em while you have them, right?
- I created a “How You Can Support Our Program” page because I didn’t want to assume everyone had PayPal or even a checkbook. Who writes checks these days anyway?
- In addition to letting visitors know how to send money right away, I also gave them the option to host an online Facebook fundraiser on our behalf, register with iGive.org and will soon create sponsorship packages for them.
- The last and final thing I decided to do was write an evergreen blog about this to share with you and future visitors.
It’s amazing how one conversation can help move your program forward, isn’t it? Lesson learned!
If you would like to make a donation to my empowerment program for girls, please feel free to do so here.